Time – 10 Ways To Make The Most of it

10 Ways To Make The Most of Your Time 

Photography by Tom Buck

In collaboration with Henry London

What I’m Wearing

Edgeware Watch – Henry London*  (click here)

Souvenir Jacket – Etsy (click here)

Ripped Knee Skinny Jeans – ASOS (click here)

White T-Shirt – Topman (click here)

Exaggerated Platform Sneakers – Alexander McQueen (click here)

Time is valuable, probably the most valuable thing in the world.  There are 1440 minutes in each day, 10080 in a week and 43800 in a month. That’s a lot of time and when you really think about it, you can get so much done in that time. On the other hand you can also do not a lot with that time and that’s important to remember too. This post is in collaboration with Henry London watches, I’m really happy to be working with them and it inspired me to think about time, why it’s important and what we are able to do with it.

Below I’ve listed 10 ways that I think can help maximise what you do with your time and things that I myself should do more of, I’m also excited to say that I’ll be giving you the chance to win your very own watch over on my Instagram in the next couple of days so keep an eye out and don’t forget to follow me @gallucks.

Shop the Look



This is something that I tend to do most days, I usually have a to do list with lots and lots to do which can seem a bit overwhelming at first. What you should do is think about which are the most urgent/important and get those completed first. Lets say for example you have house chores to do but also a big deadline on a project. To procrastinate some may do the house chores first and then go onto the project, depending on how much time you have it’s best to prioritise the deadline jobs first because the other tasks can wait.

Get Rest

Rest is really important for everyone and everything. Just like all of our electronic devices, we too constantly need recharging, whether it’s taking a nap, simply sitting with a coffee/drink and enjoying some peace and quiet. These moments of rest are really important so that you can be 100% when completing your priority tasks.



When fully rested you’ll be at the top of your game, alert, responsive and with a greater attention to detail to ensure that when you’re doing whatever you need to do, you’ll be focused and do it to the best of your ability.

editSay No

There is a delicate balance to managing your time and sometimes you can say yes to too many things – I recently wrote an article on the importance of saying no (here). I’m not saying always say no but don’t be afraid to decline invitations, say no to projects etc. At the end of the day, if you take on too many things, everything together won’t be as good as it could’ve been if you’d had more time to focus.


Be with others

In comparison to the last point, spending your time with others is really important too. Surrounding yourselves with likeminded individuals, friends, family and loved ones. This time is precious and shouldn’t be taken for granted. As I was saying there is a delicate balance with time management, make sure you’re devoting enough time to spend with others.


Reward yourself

Rewards are extremely important, we all work for the most part of our lives and if you’re not treating yourself to a relaxing break, things that you want, food that you like – then what are you doing it all for? work to live don’t live to work.


Be Strategic

Take a more strategic approach to your time management, if you implement a strategy, time limits and deadlines you’ll be surprised just how much you can actually get done in a small amount of time.


Make a Plan

Hardly anything ever goes to plan, don’t be too strict with your planning – a rough guide is enough to keep you on track – also don’t be disheartened if something doesn’t go exactly the way you wanted it to. We can learn from our mistakes and hopefully get it right the next time around.

Take Breaks

Our days are full of stress and hard work – mini breaks throughout the day are vital and allow us to refresh and re-focus on what’s important. Even if it’s just a 5 minute walk in the fresh air, you’ll be surprised how much it can change your attitude – try it out.



Take time to think about everything you’ve accomplished in the past day, week, month and year. You can look back and know that you deserve everything you’ve achieved because you’ve put so much effort and hard work into it all – that deserves some recognition. edit2