Hey Guys! How’s it going? I am excited to show you guys some of H&M’s new menswear trend collection. Ever since my friend Mikko got this
exact same jacket from H&M in Finland I have been obsessed with it! I finally got my hands on it along with a couple of other pieces like this pima cotton t-shirt which is such good quality. I can’t see the Shearling biker online yet but as soon as It comes up I’ll let you guys know, until then the only place I’ve seen it is in H&M stores around Central London!
I wore it out the other day because it’s finally cold enough and it is the cosiest jacket I’ve ever had haha. You can see it all on my Vlogtober actually over on my YouTube Channel, I’ve set myself a project of filming a video diary everyday of October! 🙂 Subscribe here.
What do you think of H&Ms new menswear pieces?