
Bartman Jumper – Ebay
Okay so i realised i never continued with my interning day to day diary. I’ve just been so busy etc. that i haven’t had time, wahhh but i’ll fill you in now! ^.*
Okay so this week at Katie Eary we’ve been getting everything ready for the model casting we had on friday with Elite. We now have Jumpers, Jeans, Hoodies, Skateboards, and Shirts! I’ve been running around all over London to pick things up/get things finished. I’ve been cutting out patterns for some jackets and fusing some fabrics together, this internship so far has taught me so much about the design process/industry. From only knowing in my head what happens to actually seeing how things happen is such a big thing.
The model casting went really well, the models have been chosen and were just waiting for afew more things to get done and we’ll be ready for the show! I’m currently working on a pair of shoes for the show, sort of like homework :’)
I can’t wait for next weekend! the show is going to be amazing and the afterparty is going to be insane.
I recently met up with the owner of Primitive, a special boutique right near Dalston. I’ll do a post about it soon!