Shake It Out

Acid wash Denim Biker Jacket – Yesstyle
Khaki sheer shirt – H&M
Crotch drop pants – American Apparel
Satchel & Foxtail – Ebay
Platform Brogues – Ebay

My friend Amy bought me the most amazing pair of shoes! Prada-inspired Platform brogues ^____^ and i am in love with them! They’re so light and bouncy, and the detail is beautiful. They’ve been added to the top of my shelves of shoes.

The weathers getting colder but i still don’t feel the need to pop out the winter coat, so jackets and hoodies are keeping me warm at the moment, gonna post up some halloween pictures soon, i have to go to work now, i’ve got quite a busy week with University work as it’s Directing week where the Third years show their work! 🙂 Hope you’re all okay and Hello new followers, leave a comment with a link to your blog so i can check it out! 🙂