Night Light
Faux leather cap – ASOS / Longline Shirt – ASOS / Longline Tee – ASOS
Sleeve Garters – ASOS / Nike Liquid Metal Solarsoft Slides – End Clothing / Skirt Shorts – eBay
Okay so i’m actually on the phone in some of these outfit shots because I’ve been really busy haha. Since I’ve been back in London it’s been a bit of a whirlwind, I moved into my flat properly on tuesday evening, been working all week and managed to see most of my friends who live here too. I’m really happy to be back here but still haven’t settled properly into my place. My other 2 flatmates haven’t moved in yet but It’s going to be so good when they do, it can get a bit lonely when you’re by yourself.
Today I went to IKEA with my friends to get some things I realised I didn’t have in my flat – like essentials that I completely forgot about. When my rooms all sorted I’ll show you guys some interior shots of the place but right now it’s a complete mess… :’)
I wore this outfit to work and the Nike slides seem so comfy but when you walk to work for 30 minutes you realise that they hurt a lot and completely cut up your feet, I think Socks are a definite must with sides if you’re planning on walking a lot. I guess you’re just meant to wear them by the pool but w/e they’re too awesome to not wear all the time haha.
How’s your weekend been?
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