Dip Dye Denim Biker Jacket – DIY
Oatmeal Hoody – American Apparel
Virgin Sweatshirt – KDMM
Black Skinny Jeans – Topshop
Studded Backpack & Creeper Boots – Ebay
Put the items from my wardrobe clear out on my shop check it out here!
Put my denim jacket on but then when i stepped outside it was pouring down with rain so i changed it for my parka ;( I hate thinking that it’s nearly may and it’s not even sunny outside! PFFT!
I have loads of Uni work to do and things to get out of the way before i go to London! Busy Busy Busy!
Gahhhhhhh >_< ! Obsessed with my star sign symbol at the moment, nearly my Birthday ^____^!