
Quilted Stampa Bomber Jacket – Verace x H&M
Cat Print Tee – Katie Eary
Monkey Print Tee – Youreyeslie
Explosion Tee – Virginblak

Ever since i got this jacket i’ve only been wearing it with basic tee’s as i don’t really like over complicating outfits. However today i’ve been seeing what it looks like with all my digital print tee’s and think it works rather well, my favourite to wear it with is the Katie Eary tee (courtesy of my friend Alex). Which do you think it works best with?

I’ve not been well recently, hopefully i’lll feel abit better for work tonight. It’s a silent disco but bar staff don’t get headphones so it should be a really funny experience watching hundreds of students dance to nothing. At least i’ll get some peace and quiet haha.