
Leather Creeper Boots – Underground Shoes – Ebay

Just a quick post with a better quality image of the Creeper boots! They’re abit tight but i’m sure i’ll wear them in! Thanks to Alex for praying to the shoe Gods (^_^). I’ve got such a busy schedule before i go back down south next week, i’ve got a shoot tomorrow in manchester for a great clothes shop (modelling not styling!). So i’ll write all about that tomorrow evening and let you guys know all about it. Next week i’m catching up with all my friends and family before i go back to university, i’ll be able to squeeze in afew outfit posts next week too!

Ps. Hi to all my new followers! Thanks so much for following, i check out each and every followers blogs and read all your comments! Leave me a link to your blog so i can check it out, Have a good weekend! 🙂