Katie Eary AW13 Death and Decadence


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Whilst i was in Seoul, London Collections Men took place, hosting the AW13 collections of Londons best menswear designers. I was eagerly anticipating each show, checking up online all the time as Seoul has wifi EVERYWHERE! ^___^ I live streamed the Katie Eary show from a bar with my friends in Seoul and i was very impressed and it was so unexpected! I made some GIFs of my favourite looks from the collection and here’s my journalism side getting all descriptive….

The luxurious hues of the fuchsia florals and moonlit blue lobsters, were presented in silk bonded neoprene and the perfect amount of sheer. The vampires graced the catwalk in nike air jordans, corseted  trousers and textured tailored jackets and mohair/leather coats. Adorned with heavy duty gold neck cuffs and undeniably suave sunglasses, these vampires surpass a level of style that goes far beyond your plain old boring Edward Cullen.
Hope you enjoy my Lobster themed GIFs! check out Katie Eary on Tumblr and Twitter