
I-D Magazine The 30th Birthday Issue

Charlie Le Mindu

Coco Summer & Emma Summerton

Fred Butler, Gemma Slack, Gary Card,Harriet Verney

Giles Deacon & Hannah Marshall

Lady Gaga

Alice Delal & Daisy Lowe
This issue of I-D is actually so good, i urge everyone to get it. It’s full to the brim with icons, designers, models, musicians, writers and artists, each one sparking thoughts and dreams in your head. Editorials from Lady Gaga, Kate Moss and Naomi Campbell are just the cherry on top really.
I hope the best thing about the next ten years will not be a piece of technology like the iphone but a change in conciousness, a spiritual awakening that will allow us to accept one another and live in peace.
-Ben Drew
I’ve been reading this issue again and again, it asks everyone the same questions such as “Favourite I-D Cover?”, “Most like to see on the Cover of I-D?”, “Best thing about the Noughties?” and “Hopes for the New Decade?” and hearing all these peoples answers really shows what kind of person they are. Truly inspiring.
On that note, A Level results came out on thursday and i got BBC, and i was only predicted CCC, so that made me really really happy.