The Importance of Saying ‘No’
Photography by HannahLouisef
What I’m Wearing
Souvenir Jacket – ASOS (here)
T -Shirt – ASOS (here)
Frayed Denim Shorts – Topman* (here)
Oversized Sneakers – Alexander McQueen (here)
I like to think this article applies to everyone – how saying ‘No’ can really help you get ahead, not just in business or your career but also in life. In the blogosphere, projects get thrown at you left, right and centre each day. Yes it’s an incredible world to be a part of and yes there are a lot of opportunities out there but does that mean you should say yes to them all? I wish this was the case but like with any business you have to set yourself some boundaries and stick to true to your own brand.
I think human beings are more inclined to say yes to a lot of things for many reasons, we want to be included, we feel privileged to have the offer in the first place or maybe we feel guilty for saying no. In the past I’ve personally found that saying yes to too many things is in fact counter productive and can be quite overwhelming.
If you have no walls then everything can get in and that would be total chaos but like the installation in my outfit pictures – if you create strong walls, only the best gets through and that is what we should be aiming for, just like any other business. Having a chaotic work schedule filled with pointless tasks and unexciting opportunities can distract you from your main goals If like me you’re a blogger, then I suggest thinking about what your own personal brand means to you, what do you love to blog about? what content do your readers enjoy the most? where do you see your blog taking you? All of these things are crucial to defining a niche blog to set you ahead from the rest of the crowd.
Below are a few things to think about when opportunity knocks.
Chasing That Dollar
If you say yes to everything coming your way, you think less and less about your long term goals and as a blogger your content becomes a constant stream of adverts and less about why you started your blog in the first place. Of course earning money is essential but you don’t want to undermine your future earnings in the process.
Events are for Networking
Choose which events you attend wisely and think, is this brand right for me? Will I meet someone new there? and think how they’ll help further your network. A lot of events lately seem to be inviting a lot of bloggers just to make a splash on social media in terms of #hashtags or content. I make it a point to find the person who invited me so that I can thank them and chat to them about their business and also meet new people.
Negotiate better deals
Your time is incredibly valuable, don’t forget that. Bloggers can sometimes, especially in the early days get stuck in a zone where they think that being sent a product is enough to compensate you for your time, effort and audience. Believe me, I’ve been there, done that, for quite a few years – do you really think you can live in London by making 0 money and promoting a brand for free? It just doesn’t work. If a brand approaches you and wants you to create specific content for them, tell them how much it will cost. You have to use your own judgement and see how they communicate with you If they genuinely appreciate you and want to work with you then negotiate a deal that benefits both of you.
You can say it politely
When you say no to things, you’re really saying yes to yourself because you’re making YOU the priority. Remember to say thank you and explain the positives but just say no politely. A good piece of advice would be a layered response, positive point – polite no – positive point about working together in the future. Remember to keep it professional.
Be Selective
Again thinking about your blog, your brand, who you are and what you’re all about. Which brands would you love to work with? which brands resonate with your personal style and aesthetic? Select who you work with carefully because sometimes by working with a certain brand you may attract another brand or in-turn put another brand off. It’s tricky but you just have to trust your own judgement.
As Long as what your doing is true to yourself and you keep improving with each shoot, each post, each video then don’t worry, there will be plenty more opportunities on the way for you. More interestingly those opportunities that you said no to the first time around, will come knocking again.
I hope this post has helped you in some way – as usual thank you for stopping by, any questions don’t hesitate to leave a comment!