Hyper Japan Streetstyle #Katieeary #iridescent #buffalo

Lobster Spaceship Shirt (Katie Eary), Faux Leather Shorts (eBay), Studded Loafers (Virginblak),
Rucksack (LostMannequin), Earring (Givenchy)

Okay so me and Dodo showed up really late on the last day of Hyper Japan, i was still really eager to Street Style, but I had never been before and most of the people were dressed in Cosplay which doesn’t really interest me! That’s why I was so happy to meet Charlotte and Jiayil who’s style i really appreciated. I love how colour co-ordinated Charlotte is and Jiayils statement shoes really make her outfit pop.
This is the beginning of my street styling as London is so full of awesome individuals i really want to capture them and turn The Hallowed Ground into Londons go-to Streetstyle blog. But still documenting my travels and experiences. What do you think about this? Please let me know!
Coming up in the next post is mine and dodos adventure at Hyper Japan ^.^
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