
After first bleach, dipped sleeves for 2 hours

After second bleaching, dipped bottom half of jacket & sleeves for 2 hours

Finished Jacket

Death is not the end Tee – Oh Hell
My friend Jessie from Far Out Fashion inspired me with her DIY – How to bleach denim post to play around with my Denim Biker Jacket. I picked up some 29p bottle of thin bleach and poured it into a bucket, dipped the sleeves of my jacket in for 2 hours and they turned a nice shade of faded blue/white. I didn’t really think it was enough so i dipped half of the entire jacket in for a further 2 hours. 2 rinse washes later and the smell of bleach was gone! Then i just had to let it dry and ta-daa! New jacket for summer ^__^! I might customise it more but i like how simple it is right now.