Calvin Klein Denim Series Part 2

In Collaboration with Calvin Klein
Hey everyone, how’s your Sunday going? I’m currently writing this post with a sun-burnt face whilst attempting to film my latest YouTube video. I thought on this sunny day in London I’d share with you my second Calvin Klein Denim Series outfit, did you see my first outfit? (see it here) This time paired with my Topman jeans – is the black version of the grey tee I wore in the last outfit. Perfect essentials for my wardrobe with just a slight hint of that CK branding that they’re known for. I love the backpack so much, If you have me on snapchat (username – Gallcuks) you’ll have seen me taking it to work – It’s perfect for summer because it’s so light. What do you guys think of the new CK collection? Have you got your eyes on anything? let me know in the comments below. 
The collection is available online from CalvinKlein.com ,in Selfridges and the Regent Street Calvin Klein Jeans store. Please ask me if you have any questions either in the comments section or on my Instagram @Gallucks 
Have a great week guys and remember to subscribe to my YouTube (here) to see my new video!