Another Sunday morning lay in bed editing outfits, another week gone. I can’t believe it’s already coming to the end of May. This year is going so quickly I feel like it’s slipping by every second. I’ve got so much planned for June it actually becomes a bit overwhelming when I stop and think about it all. I’m heading to Wildlife Festival in Brighton and London Collections: Men the weekend after.
As I try to manage my time efficiently I find myself sleeping less and less, sacrificing those precious hours to edit a YouTube video or select images for a blog post like this one. It’s like I have a sick addiction to working and although I work 5 days a week at Net-A-Porter I feel like I’m constantly working even when I come home. Most days I just want to curl up on the sofa and binge on Netflix and take out. 
I’ve been doing this  consistently for nearly a year now and what keeps me going is the thought of not knowing what’s going to happen next. I constantly want to improve myself and my lifestyle to the expectations of what I want it to be. Some people laugh and sneer at my hopes and dreams but I know that If I keep pushing myself, to work even harder that I can make those dreams into a reality. 
Anyway! enough of the deep talk, let me tell you a little bit about my outfit. I’d not worn my Culottes in a very long time and forgot how much I loved them. I do have to keep pulling them up and I might trip on them sometimes but the silhouette they create is fantastic. In fact a lot of this outfit i’d not worn in a very long time, I got these FANG sandals from Topshop last summer , they’re like platform birkenstocks and are perfect with the culottes. The crocodile cross body bag was from the Zara sale, I like to use it as a camera bag. The Topman tee is a new staple in my wardrobe , it’s a great price and a great fit. Finally the ASOS Fedora that I can’t seem to stop wearing lately! 
Just to let you know there is a new Haul vide on my YouTube channel which you can watch here. 
And If I may ask, what keeps you going?!