Bloggers Wardrobe

So if you’ve been reading my blog for awhile or have heard of it before then you’ll know about Bloggers Wardrobe! If not then click here. They’ve selected 150 blogs and out of that 10 will get to become part of Bloggers wardrobe, all we have to do is get the most ‘likes’ on our picture of their facebook competition page! So i was wondering if you could help me out?! It only takes 5 seconds and i would greatly appreciate it! I made a facebook event outlining what to do here. If you could get friends or others involved that would be amazing!
Here’s how you help me out!
1 – ‘Like’ the Bloggers Wardrobe Page – here (click the facebook logo if it appears)
2 – now you are able to ‘Like’ my picture for The Hallowed Ground – here (click the facebook logo if it appears)
3 – You will have made me very happy ^__^ aha.
Hope you’re all having a lovely weekend! I start University tomorrow so i’ll hopefully be doing daily outfit posts all next week! Leave comments and links to your blogs! 🙂